Saturday, May 29, 2010

been very busy lately

Charlie had a stent put in his heart on 4-22. We have had many dr appointment between him and my MIL that is having cataract surgery on 6-2. Since Charlie's stroke he has trouble with speech so I am now her patient rep. My older son got out of prison on the 25th and we spent 2 days driving him to his PO and other appointments. I tatted doilies for both my mom and MIL for Mother's Day and have done lots of other tatting waiting at all the appointments.


  1. Hi Rachael. Ever since we've switched from In Tatters to the new format, I haven't seen much of some of the tatters. So I've put your blog on my site. I hope you are feeling well. Sounds like you have been very busy with family, etc.

  2. Hi, I saw that you made some tiny tatted snowflakes. I have some questions about the pattern. Can you help me?
    You can e-mail me at
